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Nov. 14th, 2013   1 comment

Hard to believe the end of the Fall teaching session is nearly here.  One more class next Tuesday at Canterbury for Jamaleen, and the Amala lovelies have their last class on the 29th, at HCRS.   I’m so happy they’ll all be joining me to welcome teachers, students, family and friends, on Friday Nov.22nd, for our class party (details on Events page).

This session has been both challenging and fun.  Total credit goes to my awesome students, for helping me discover a couple of new insights into teaching techniques for beginners, and a reminder about WHY I love sharing the basics of dance with them.  Although ongoing health concerns have limited my physical ability to shine in classes with Safiya and Halyma; their teaching ability and patience have, as always, had a positive and beneficial influence on my admittedly slow progress for technique and development of dance skills.   It’s easy to get discouraged and lose confidence; but thinking of myself as a “work in progress” helps keep things in perspective, and not take myself too seriously.  The ability to laugh at yourself is essential for letting go and feeling joy in the simple pleasures of life; like dancing, having fun, and passing on that positive energy to others….so I will shimmy myself silly, and say, “Honey, just shake it till you make it!!”  Sample15*************************************************************** 


Posted November 14, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

October 27th, 2013   Leave a comment

Happy Hallowe’en, all you hauntingly lovely dancers!!  Classes are progressing nicely, and both groups are working on a routine where they carry small candles…well, battery tealights actually. .gotta obey those fire regulations at the community centre!  This “candle dance” is a choreography I wrote a couple of years ago,  with help from my dance-buddy Vera;  happily, the students seem to enjoy learning the simple but sinuous and graceful movements, and cool effect created by the tiny glowing lights.   I’m pleased to realize this choreo has stood the test of time.

Meanwhile, I’m already plotting and planning our end-of-session class party, or Hafla, as it’s called.   My fabulous boss at Canterbury has allowed me to use the large dance studio and activity room for our event.   The date of the party will be Friday, November 22nd, from 7:00 to 8:45 p.m.,  I’ll be issuing invitations to other teachers, to bring their students and perform; as well as family and friends, to enjoy an evening of dance, pot-luck snacks, and fun…all that hard work in class deserves a celebration!  Best shimmies to all, and dance like no one is watching! 



Posted October 27, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

October 7th, 2013   Leave a comment

Week three – Tuesday night at Canterbury saw my gorgeous girlies filling the big dance studio with glorious swirls of Shibori-Borealis silk veils.  On Wednesday, I was excited to work on a movie set – a 13-hour day as a Background Performer in Perth, and got to spend a busy shooting day outdoors in the sunshine.   Thursday wasn’t quite so much fun, as I had to see an eye specialist – those anesthetic eye-drops are nasty!! 

On Friday, my BCA beauties at the Hunt Club/Riverside class got a big bumping-booty workout; after which, I had to rush off to another gig;  teaching a one-time class to a group of 20 staff members at the Southeast Ottawa Community Health Care Services, who were on a day-long retreat.   They were a fun bunch, and my challenge was to keep it interesting for the Middle-Eastern ladies (who can dance circles around me), while also providing basic instruction in isolation movements for the first-timers.  Space was tight, so I had everyone form a large circle, and I stayed in the centre, turning slowly to demonstrate movements.  This actually worked out pretty well, and I’ve had lots of positive feedback.  

Needless to say, after all this activity, I was pooped!!  Luckily, I’ve had a quiet weekend, and feel ready to roll for the coming week, including attending classes with Halyma and Safiya.  

Please check out my Events Page, for information on the upcoming Dancer’s Bazaar and have a great week everyone!  Jeez, I’d better get planning our Thanksgiving festivities!!  belly17







Posted October 8, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

September 30th, 2013   Leave a comment

Week two was crazy-busy and awesome!  The Canterbury class is learning the trials and tribulations of beginner-belly-rolls;  the BCA students got to play with fabulous swirly silk veils, which make everyone smile and swish!

Classes with Anna & Safiya, and Bellywood with Halyma are certainly testing my limits for stamina and technique;  although wishing I was in better physical shape,  the joy that comes with learning new movements and combinations far outweighs any middle-aged aches and pains I may experience during and after class;  despite my bitching, it’s all good, and I love it!!

I’m always happy to discover other dancers and mixed-media artists, whether it be on Facebook, or through shopping sites like Etsy…yes, I like to shop!   If you’re on either Facebook or Etsy, check out Alternate Visions, for funky tribal accessories and beautiful belly dance inspired artwork.   Or, check out Yl’Luria‘s blog at:   I treated myself to one of her 8X10 prints, (see below) because I love the message of positive body-image she conveys.  We’ll talk more about body-image another day, okay?  Time to go practice!!  il_570xN_501566359_bb34

Original artwork by Yl’Luria – Alternate Visions


Posted September 30, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

Sept. 20th, 2013   Leave a comment

Wow, it’s been a busy week…taught my first Canterbury class on Tuesday night, and what a great group of ladies!  Got a couple of basic movements under our coin belts already, and can’t wait to see how they’ll do next week.  Looking forward to starting up the BCA class on the 27th, with returning students and a couple of new faces.   I’m also excited to be a student again;  taking level 2 belly dance with Anna and Safiya, and trying a new fab fusion mix of belly dance and Bollywood, called Bellywood with Halyma.   During this past year, ongoing health issues kept me from continuing my own study of dance, and it sure feels good to be taking lessons with awesome instructors…These classes are challenging but fun; helping to develop technique, and better teaching skills.   So, if I can manage to keep up the pace,  teaching two classes and attending two classes per week, it’ll certanly keep me out of trouble, and greatly benefit my waistline!!  catban






Posted September 21, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

August 23rd, 2013   Leave a comment

Well, hello everyone!  It’s been a great summer, and now it’s nearly time for me to get back to work – looking forward to a fun Fall session!   Registration information is posted on my ‘Classes’ page, so please have a look.  I’d love to have you join my class; but, if your busy schedule means you need a different class time, location, level of instruction or teaching style, there are lots of other classes around town.   Check out the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Learning For Life magazine; their website is:  or the City of Ottawa Recreation Guide, which is available in all the community centres (Jeez, I don’t have the website on-hand…sorry).  Most importantly, check out Halyma’s website for class listings, events, costume designs, handcrafted eco-conscious products, and all things belly dance and Bollywood in our fair city; sign up for her free weekly online newsletter, and get all the latest info on the dance community, at:  Got questions?  Don’t be shy to contact me here at , and I hope you’ll be dancing with me very soon…we’ll share a few giggles, shimmy ourselves silly, and enjoy some good girly fun!  greenveil


Posted August 23, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

July 7th, 2013   Leave a comment

Hope everyone had a great Canada Day, and wishing for lots of nice sunny days ahead.  I’ll be spending some time working my other favourite part time job, as a background performer in various movies being filmed in the Ottawa area.   I’ll keep you up to date on any upcoming events, and stay tuned for class information for the Fall session.  Your best source  for all things dance is Halyma’s weekly online newsletter, so check out: and sign up.  Happy summer everyone!  belly16







Posted July 8, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

June 22nd, 2013   1 comment

   Yowza, a VERY busy Saturday – I joined Halyma’s Belly Dancing For Fun group, and members of the Bollywood For Fun group, to cheer on fabulous female runners as they raced a short course at the Aviation Museum; followed by a rousing children’s run, and performance demo indoors, at the annual event, Emilie’s Run.   Afterwards, I raced home to change, and zoomed downtown to take part in a workshop, hosted by the lovely Eurika, called Urban Belly Dance Fusion.  This workshop was taught by a professional American dancer named Lisa Zahiya; a beautiful performer/instructor,  who has appeared in the TV series, Project Bellydance, and other reality shows. (Find her on Youtube)  This was a VERY tough two-hour class for me, as a “mature” dancer…I had to step out of my comfort zone, and try to keep up with ladies half my age; learning movements like pops, locks, hip-hop-swagger, and a short slammin’ choreography to the music of Justin Timberlake’s, Bringin’ Sexy Back.  I LOVED IT!!   It’s always great to learn new stuff, and not be afraid to try.  Despite all the aches and pains afterwards, totally worth it!DanceGalBlue2



Siddiqah at Emilie’s Run, 2013







Posted June 23, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

June 18th, 2013   Leave a comment

A very proud couple of moments at last night’s show, Halyma’s Ottawa Centre Class Party – getting to watch my high-spirited Jamaleen student group, led by co-teacher Zeevah, swirl and shimmy their way across the stage; then a special solo performance by one of my lovely Amala students, Zahara.   They all looked sooo beautiful, and totally rocked their choreographies; bringing me to tears twice (reminder to re-stock waterproof mascara!)  The girls really had fun, and got to take part in a fabulous dance community event.  What a great way to end the session!     OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  


Zeevah and Zahara








Posted June 18, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized

June 16th, 2013   Leave a comment

Wow!!  Friday night’s party was wonderful…thanks to my hubby for an amazing job as emcee/DeeJay, and the other husbands/significant others who helped with set up and cleanup.   I was honoured to have such special guest performers – thanks to Halyma and the Bellywood For Fun group, Bollywood For Fun divas, Farasha, Eurika, Zeevah, and all the brave students who got up and performed – many for the first time in public…bravo ladies!!  Can’t wait to watch my Jamaleen group and Zahara’s debut  performance tomorrow night in front of a full house at Halyma’s OCCP event!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACarmZahara


Posted June 17, 2013 by fatcatbellydance in Uncategorized